How can we help you today?
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Managing my Account
Billing and account settings, logging in, and security and safety.
Log in and Two-factor Authentication (2FA)
Account Settings
Privacy and Security
Billing and Payments
Portfolio and Performance
Managing your portfolio and crypto performance
Syncing Exchange and Wallet Balances
Connecting wallets, exchanges, and importing transactions into CoinTracker.
- Check wallet support on CoinTracker
- Using the re-import wallet feature
- Understand changes in past tax reports
- Find and resolve duplicate transactions
- Using WalletConnect
Understanding Portfolio Performance
Learn about how we calculate and display portfolio performance.
- How Transfers marked as Sales impact capital gains
- CoinTracker plans and features
- Guide to the Transactions page
Troubleshooting Common Scenarios
Tips and tricks for troubleshooting some of the most frequent questions.
- Block explorer reference guide
- Troubleshoot unsupported assets with a circle symbol
- Create a new exchange API key
- How CoinTracker Sources Cryptocurrency Pricing Data
- Change your base currency
Tax Preparation
Preparing your cryptocurrency taxes, filing, and general tax info.