As part of Coinbase's effort to streamline their services and improve user experience, Coinbase Pro transitioned to Advanced Trade on Due to this change, the API is no longer active, but you can still track your Coinbase Pro transactions in your account.
What you need to know
- If you previously connected your Coinbase Pro account via sign-in API, your historical transactions and balances remain intact, and no action is needed.
- If you’re new to CoinTracker or previously connected via the API and are experiencing balance issues, import these transactions using a CSV file following the steps below.
- For previously connected customers with issues: Remove the original Coinbase Pro wallet from the Wallets page to avoid duplication.
- Coinbase Pro transactions are not automatically added when you connect your Coinbase account to Cointracker.
Steps to add your Coinbase Pro transactions
To import your Coinbase Pro transactions via CSV:
- Visit the Add Coinbase Pro page.
- Follow the instructions to download your Coinbase Pro transaction history as a CSV file.
- Return to CoinTracker, select the CSV to upload.
- Click Import to complete the process.
If you have multiple years of Coinbase Pro transactions, you’ll need to generate a CSV file for each year and import them separately to ensure all transactions reconcile properly.
- Import your first Coinbase Pro CSV using the steps above.
- Go to the Wallets page and find the newly created Coinbase Pro wallet under Imported Wallets.
- Click the [...] icon and select Import transactions.
- Import the remaining CSVs for other years, one at a time.
If you run into any issues uploading your CSV, learn how to convert your CSV file into CoinTracker’s format and ensure a successful import.