Managing your cryptocurrency portfolio involves keeping an accurate track of all transactions. Sometimes, you might receive unsolicited or unrecognized transactions that you would like to mark as spam. CoinTracker provides an easy way to mark these transactions as spam and also revert them if needed.
Auto-Detection of Spam Transactions
How does CoinTracker automatically detect and manage spam transactions?
CoinTracker enhances your cryptocurrency portfolio management by automatically detecting spam transactions. These are hidden from the regular views on your account to maintain clarity and accuracy. The system includes a feature that marks these transactions as spam upon import, using a default setting that hides them without user intervention.
How can I control the visibility of spam transactions on CoinTracker?
- Navigate to the Transactions Page.
- Click Display in the upper right.
- You will find a 'Hide spam transactions' toggle. This toggle is blue when enabled, which is the default setting. If you prefer to see spam transactions, you can disable this feature by toggling it off.
What features are available in the CoinTracker Spam Center?
CoinTracker offers a dedicated spam center that allows you to manage spam transactions comprehensively. You can access it here: CoinTracker Spam Center.
- General Information: Overview of potential spam transactions and the total number flagged by CoinTracker.
- Verification Tab: Allows you to verify assets that may or may not be spam, giving you control over how they are classified.
- Review Tab: Here, you can review assets that have been marked or confirmed as spam. This tab also allows you to unmark transactions if needed.
Note: Marking an asset as spam will apply to all transactions involving that asset, given they share the same contract address. Conversely, unmarking an asset will remove the spam status from all associated transactions. This ensures you don't have to repeatedly update the same asset.
Manually Categorizing a Spam Transaction
For transactions that were not auto-detected as spam by CoinTracker, you are still able to manually report them as spam.
Reporting a transaction as spam
- Navigate to transaction: Find the transaction that you would like marked as spam.
- Adding Spam Tag: Select on the More actions […] option for the specified transaction. Look for the option 'Report spam'. Selecting this will add the spam tag to the transaction.
- Verify the Transaction: After reporting the transaction as spam, verify that it is tagged appropriately in your transaction list.
Unmark a transaction as spam
If you have reported a transaction as spam by mistake or if the transaction is later recognized as legitimate, you can easily unmark it.
- Navigate to transaction: Find the transaction that was incorrectly marked as spam.
- Remove Spam Tag: Select on the More actions […] option for the specified transaction. Look for the option 'Mark as not spam'. Selecting this will remove the spam tag from the transaction.
- Verify the Transaction: After unmarking the transaction as spam, verify that it reappears in your transaction list and is accounted for in your reports.
Additional Tips for Managing Spam Transactions in CoinTracker
Regularly Review Spam Transactions: It's crucial to periodically check your spam transactions to confirm their accuracy. This is because transactions wrongly marked as spam are excluded from your tax calculations, which can significantly affect your tax summary. Always ensure that no legitimate transactions are mistakenly categorized as spam.
Supported Tokens Can't Be Marked Spam: CoinTracker does not allow transactions involving supported tokens to be marked as spam. For more information on which tokens are supported versus unsupported, refer to CoinTracker's guide on Supported vs Unsupported Tokens.
Transaction Hash Caution: When reviewing transactions, be cautious of the 'transaction hash'. This identifier, provided for all transactions imported into CoinTracker, could contain malicious links via the block explorer. If you suspect a transaction might be spam but aren't certain, it's safer to investigate further before marking it. Please see our Security Best Practices for more information.