Below are common error messages encountered during the CSV upload process. Find your specific error and learn how to resolve it quickly.
Before troubleshooting, be sure to review our CSV formatting guide for detailed instructions on converting CSVs to the CoinTracker format.
File is missing the following headers error
The issue: Your CSV file must have the correct header row to be accepted.
How to fix it:
- Check the error message for details on which column headers are missing.
- Compare your CSV’s header row with the template provided on our website.
- Make sure all required columns are present, correctly named, and in the right order.
- Rename headers that don't match the template exactly, and remove any additional or misspelled headers.
The header row in your CSV should match this format exactly:
Column A | Column B | Column C | Column D | Column E | Column F | Column G | Column H |
Date | Received Quantity | Received Currency | Sent Quantity | Sent Currency | Fee Amount | Fee Currency | Tag |
Invalid date format in [row] error
The issue: Incorrect date format.
How to fix it: Change the date format to MM/DD/YYYY and Time to HH:MM:SS.
The time is optional, but the date is required.
Missing received quantity, received currency, sent quantity, and sent currency and at least one of them is required in [row] error
The issue: In any row, there must data in:
- Sent Currency and Sent Quantity columns, if sending assets out of the wallet.
OR - Received Currency and Received Quantity columns, if receiving assets into the wallet.
OR - Sent Currency, Sent Quantity, Received Currency, and Received Quantity columns, if there’s a trade within the wallet.
How to fix it: Review the row indicated for missing data in one of the above columns.
Currency should not be empty in [row] error
The issue: Currency is missing for the specified row.
How to fix it: Review the specified row for missing data.
Ignored [#x] crypto transaction(s) because they are missing data or are not supported error
The issue: The CSV successfully imported, but certain rows were ignored because they were missing data or had unsupported data—this will cause the transaction related to that row to be missing.
How to fix it:
- Review the missing transactions to see which cryptocurrency was ignored from the import.
- See if CoinTracker supports the cryptocurrency.
- If the cryptocurrency is not supported, create a custom currency.
- Edit your CSV to ensure the crypto symbol matches the custom currency and import CSV.
- See the solution in the unsupported tag in row error.
Unsupported tag in row error
The issue: The importer only accepts specific CoinTracker CSV tags. Unsupported tags will cause the import to fail or ignore the row.
How to fix it: Review the Tags column in your CSV and ensure the text matches one of the supported CoinTracker CSV tags exactly, including case and underscores.
Could not parse [quantity type] quantity in [row] error
The issue: The data in the specified column and row is invalid or missing.
How to fix it: Ensure each column and row contains the correct type of data, such as numbers in the Quantity column, and confirm that all required fields are filled.