CoinTracker offers an integration with MetaMask that simplifies the process for users wanting to import their wallet to CoinTracker. This integration not only facilitates a seamless wallet import but also offers a promotional discount of 10% off a CoinTracker plan for new CoinTracker users.
What are the eligibility criteria for the CoinTracker discount?
- New Users Only: To qualify, you must be a new CoinTracker user without a paid plan.
- Promotion Period: This offer is valid to new CoinTracker users until the end of 2024.
How to Access the Metamask Discount
- Navigate to the CoinTracker + MetaMask landing page to access the offer.
- Click Get started for free to create your CoinTracker account.
- If you're creating a new CoinTracker account via this process, the 10% discount will automatically apply to your plan.
After creating a CoinTracker account, you can login to MetaMask to add your wallet to CoinTracker with just one click.
What should I do if the discount doesn't apply automatically?
- Before Payment: If the discount isn't applied and you haven't made a payment yet, try accessing the offer again through the dedicated CoinTracker + MetaMask landing page.
- After Payment: If you've already paid without receiving the discount, please reach out to our Support team for assistance.